C U There Events Archive

September 2002 - MEETING REPORT

The last C U their meeting held on September 27, was a success! The
presentation on adaptive technology was extremely informative and all
members learned a lot from the information shared. There were a lot of
laughs and a good time was had by all. Jeffrey From Environment Canada’s Adaptive Computer Technology Program gave a presentation on current, new and emerging adaptive technology available for vision enhancement and vision replacement.

A copy of the September 2002 presentation in Powerpoint

A copy of the September 2002 presentation in Plain Text

August 2002 - EVENT REPORT

C U There held it's first meeting in August. We began with a social event
so members could have a chance to meet each other and begin to feel
comfortable in one another's company. We met at the Royal Oak, which is a
pub and eatery, and had a quite enjoyable time. We shared some stories and
details of our jobs and home lives. When it was time to go home, the
evening was unanimously declared a success!

There are many exciting possibilities for future social events and
discussions. We, the organizers, would like to thank everyone who was able
to make it on short notice! We are looking forward to meeting with all of
you again!