Webpage Design

If you want a 30 minute free consultation, contact me.

Pricing List
Sample Solution #1
1 to 3 HTML pages, up to 4 custom graphics, Registration with 3 major search engines
Ideal for small business web presence & personal sites

Pricing List



Pricing List

Pricing List
Sample Solution #2
5-12 HTML pages, 10 custom graphics, registration with 7 major search engines
Ideal for small business web presence


Pricing List

Pricing List
Sample Solution #3
15-25 HTML pages, 15 custom graphics, registration with 10 major search engines
The best choice for small busines ses and companies

I can do the following on a per hour basis.

Per Hour Basis
HTML Coding $19.99/hour
Animation Design $24.99/hour
Logo's $14.99/hour
Banners $14.99/hour
Data Entry $19.99/hour
Typing out Reports $14.99/hour
Letters $10.99/hour
Newsletters $19.99/hour
Newsletters with Graphics $24.99/hour
Fixing Pictures $2.00/per picture

Computer Consulting

If you want a 30 minute free consultation, contact me.

Computer Consulting
Internet $19.99/hour
Webdesign $29.99/hour
Software $14.99/hour
Hardware $39.99/hour

If you're on a budget you want me to work around or you would like a set cost, feel free to contact me. If you have a site that you would like me to do but none of my packages are what you're looking for, no problem, contact me and I'll set something up. In some cases, some of these rates can be changed to suit your needs. Please contact me for more information.

Phone: 613-566-9011
Fax: 240-525-7130
Icq: 2156275

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Black Sphere Technology